Sunday, February 7, 2010

We've got some BIG news...

Well... We've got some BIG news to share. I'm so happy and excited to say that we are expecting our first child August 30th! What a perfect due date, it's the day after Katie's birthday and 7 days past our 2 year anniversary. Brian and I are so thrilled to be expecting this new addition to our family.

We found out 2 days before Christmas, which was the perfect gift for each other and our families. When I took the home pregnancy test, I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought surely this couldn't be right, but we went to the doctor and sure enough, it was the real deal. We were beyond excited and shocked all at the same time. We decided to order this ornament and give it to our parents as part of their Christmas. I thought it was the perfect way to share the exciting news.

The last 12 weeks have been interesting to say the least. I never knew that "morning" sickness could last morning, noon, and night. Sure I've heard of people experiencing nausea before, but this was a whole different level of nausea. From the moment I found out I was pregnant I've been constantly sick. It didn't matter how often I ate or how much anti nausea medicine I took, it was very clear that the nausea wasn't going anywhere. Now, I know that being so sick is a good sign because it means the baby is growing strong, but geesh mama needed a break every now and then. Over the weekend, I've felt pretty decent, so I'm hoping that the day I wake up and feel great is VERY near! Bri has been such a great hubby during this stage, he's so supportive and helpful. I would have never gotten through it without him!!! Even though I've been horribly sick, it's well worth it and I know at some point it will disappear.

Bri and I can't describe how excited and happy we are! It's such an amazing feeling knowing that there's something so precious growing in my belly. These first 3 months have been so incredible, I can't wait to see what the next 6 months brings. I will keep everyone updated! Here is an ultrasound at 11 weeks. I love it because you can see the baby smiling.....


The Unprocessed Project said...

I love the new header and the floating baby!!