Saturday, March 26, 2011


Today, we headed over to the Smith house to have all the cousins together and man, those boys are going to have some fun over the years! We already got a taste with Beck and Cooper. Beckham was just fascinated with Cooper as he was literally running circles around Beck! It was hilarious to watch Beck try and keep up with Coop. I'm afraid there will be some ruff housing in our near future. Watch out GT and VV... your house is probably the target!

Beck already looks up to Cooper and thinks he's so cool!

And then there was sweet mellow Ev, who just hung out in his rock n' play. I'm sure he'll be in the thick of it too asap!

It was so fun to have all the boys together. They are going to get into some mischief together for sure! Well, maybe not, they look innocent enough....right?!? Haha!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

One Proud Auntie!

I am so excited to say that EVERETT BURKE SMITH was born last week! He's soo adorable and I can't wait to get my hands on this little guy again! Welcome to the family Everett!! I can't wait to watch Beckham, Cooper and Everett grow up and become best buds...oh boy! Your Uncle Brian and I can't wait to see you grow. Love you!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Beck is changing more and more everyday. He's so close to crawling and just talks gibberish all day long. To quote Brian "it's the sweetest sound" and I completely agree. On our way to Manhappy on Thursday, he chatted the whole way over. It was adorable. Brian and I just kept laughing to ourselves.
One thing that I have noticed about Beckham, is how curious he is. He will grab a toy and just study it for several minutes. This kiddo is very inquisitive.
Not only is he very inquisitive, but he also LOVES books! Beck is so content just laying down or sitting in our laps looking at books.When we were in Manhappy, I dressed Beck in some KU gear for the basketball game! He loved it! He was so excited KU won, he made a smush face!!!

I absolutely love to watch him grow and change everyday! He's a keeper!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Trying to Crawl

Beck is soo close to crawling! It will be any day, I'm sure. We caught this on video along with the smush face!

Smush Face

Beckham has this new face, which we call "smush face!" It's sooo funny! It makes Brian and I laugh every single time. Enjoy!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Peek A Boo!

Beck and I were playing peek a boo with a doggy bucket this morning. He gets a kick out of the smallest things.... I love it!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Reading Reptile

Today, Beck and I ventured to Kansas City to have a fun day with Katie and Coop! The four of us headed to Brookside to check out this ADORABLE bookstore, The Reading Reptile. Coop's first words when we walked in was " WOOOOWWW!" I definitely agreed with him! It was too cute. We had fun flipping through books and looking at all the adorable characters hanging from the ceilings. It is literally one of those children's bookstores that you always hear about and want to visit. So much character and fun things to do. I think Kate and I had more fun than the boys... haha! AND to top it off, they even had a cupcake shop in the bookstore! I mean, what kid wouldn't be in heaven!? I highly suggest taking your little ones there! They had books for all ages. I plan to go back sooner rather than later.

Coop loved riding the horse!

I think this is the first picture I've seen of Coop without making the "CHEESE!" face! What a cutie! Thanks Kate and Coop for a great afternoon!