Monday, March 21, 2011


Beck is changing more and more everyday. He's so close to crawling and just talks gibberish all day long. To quote Brian "it's the sweetest sound" and I completely agree. On our way to Manhappy on Thursday, he chatted the whole way over. It was adorable. Brian and I just kept laughing to ourselves.
One thing that I have noticed about Beckham, is how curious he is. He will grab a toy and just study it for several minutes. This kiddo is very inquisitive.
Not only is he very inquisitive, but he also LOVES books! Beck is so content just laying down or sitting in our laps looking at books.When we were in Manhappy, I dressed Beck in some KU gear for the basketball game! He loved it! He was so excited KU won, he made a smush face!!!

I absolutely love to watch him grow and change everyday! He's a keeper!!


mama said...

Even with the KU "garb" that is the cutest picture and the book reading is to die for.
Love you all - V.V.

Unknown said...

I laughed again seeing that smush face, but then it is hard not to smush when wearing those colors! He IS so cute-loved the book...GG

Unknown said...

I just scrolled back down and seeing that KU pic made me laugh again. I know there will be lots of laughs with that Beckham! love GG