Thursday, July 22, 2010

Let's Catch Ya Up...

Sooo much has happened since my last post... Where to begin?

Well... My sister had her baby! Indie Lea Voos came into the world and she is so precious! Absolutely perfect and beautiful. I can't wait to watch her grow and experience life. I've got lots of pictures with the AMAZING new camera GT and Ruth got us, but have yet to upload the pics. I will do that asap! The reason I have yet to upload the pics is because our house got struck by lighting the weekend Indie came into the world. So the lighting fried EVERYTHING in our house....It's been kinda crazy around here lately trying to fix everything and replace it. I finally got my computer back today and it made me realize how much I missed it!!

On a sad note, Brian's grandmother, Gran Gran passed since my last post. We just had her funeral last weekend. It was the most amazing funeral I've been to. Not only did everyone mourn her death, but it was more of a celebration. I don't think I've cried and laughed so much at a funeral. Brian's family is so amazing..honestly! Everyone came together to celebrate her life and I learned so many things about her that I didn't know. I realized that she is the reason why that family is so talented, caring, loving, and rare. She was one amazing lady and was loved by MANY people. We miss her soo much and know she'll be watching over all of us. We love you Gran Gran!

On a happier note, my doctor set my induce date! YAY! The date is August 22, 2010. Which means he will probably be born on August 23rd, which is our 2 year wedding anniversary! What a perfect gift! It's crazy to think that we will meet our baby boy in 4 weeks at the most! I can't wait to see what he looks like and hold him in my arms.

That's all for now... sorry for long post, but there was so much to catch up on!


The Unprocessed Project said...

4 weeks...weeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

camera from ruth? maybe I didn't sign the card. HAHA love you


Brian and Kassie said...

Sorry GT! I fixed it! haha. xoxo