Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dr Update

I saw my doctor today and she gave me some good news... I'm dilated! Yay! I've been having strong contractions since Monday and it's nice to know I'm getting results from them. They are definitely not the most comfortable things!! After checking me, she's confident that I will have this baby before my induction date. That was nice to hear, but I'm getting my hopes up. I'm just going to take it one day at a time. The good news is that there is an end in sight... 3 weeks and counting!!

Bri and I decided on a name for our boy a long time ago and we've been telling family. So with 3 weeks left to go (at most), I think it's time to share that with you! His name shall be....

Beckham Brooks Abbott

No, we are not die hard David Beckham fans or soccer fans, but we love the name Beck. As for Brooks, that is my sister's middle name. She's been such a big part of my life and been there for me, that I thought it was fitting to incorporate her somehow. I think that it's a very strong name and I'm sure it will suit him!! There is going to be another BA in the world...everyone better watch out! haha.

Since we've been telling family, he already has a couple nicknames.... We call him Becks and Katie (my sister in law) calls him Hammie. I love it! haha! I'm sure he'll pick up many more as time passes.


The Unprocessed Project said...

So weird....his name showed up in crazy webding characters! I can't wait to meet my little Hammie!