Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Weekly Dr. Update

I had an appt this morning for a sono and to see my doc. It all went great! Becks is currently weighing in at 6 lbs 10oz, practicing breathing and looks great! His size is in the 64 percentile, so he's a little bigger than average (which is fine by me). I was so pleased to hear his weight and that he's doing so well. His head is still in the 97 percentile and measuring at 40 weeks already! Yikes! I am 2 cm dialated and 50% effaced.. Looks like my contractions are still doing their job! :) I still can't believe we will finally meet our baby Beckham in 2 1/2 weeks (at most).


The Unprocessed Project said...

Come on, Hammie. We are counting on you for 08-09-10!