Monday, October 25, 2010

My growing boy!!

Becks has become such a big boy lately! His colic has definitely improved (knock on wood) and since then we've hit some milestones. He is sleeping longer through the night, starting to take naps in his crib (for those of you who don't know we've had Becks sleeping in a bassinet since he's been born). Which gives me a nice break during the day to pick up the house and have some time to myself! We also tried out the bumbo and surprisingly he can sit up in it! I thought most babies didn't sit in those until they were almost 4 months old! I'm so proud of Becks and his improvements!!! It just goes to show how fast they really grow and change.

Our good friend, Mikie Dude stayed with us this weekend! It was great to see him since he moved to Richmond in July. He hadn't met Beckham yet, so they had some bonding time over the weekend. Becks loved loungin' with him!


Anonymous said...

beck looks like hes thinking about flipping someone off in his bubo

The Unprocessed Project said...

I think he kinda looks like a boxer.

Brian and Kassie said...

He can play any sport, except boxing!!(that includes MMA too!)

The Unprocessed Project said...

Aw, come on mom, his dad would be so proud!