Saturday, December 18, 2010

4 Months

Beckham Brooks,

You are now 4 months old! Wow, how the time flies! I can't even begin to describe how much fun you are these days. You laugh, giggle, smile more and more everyday. You're still working on the whole sleep training thing. Some nights are definitely better than others, but that's expected. You love to stand on our laps and just look around. You seem so curious about everything, which I love! We tried giving you some cereal, but that didn't seem to sit well with your sensitive tummy. So, we're going to hold off on that for a couple more weeks. But I have to admit, watching you try out some oatmeal and banana cereal was one of the funniest things you've done to date. You weren't quite sure what to make of it and kept looking at me like "why are you doing this to me?"
One of your favorite things to do these days is to be on your tummy and work on your scooting skills. You can tell that you want move so bad. Each day, you get better and better. I'm sure you'll be scooting around in no time. You also love to sit in your bumbo on the kitchen island. You just sit there and watch your dad and I cook, wrap presents, make a bottle, etc.. Like I said earlier, I love how curious you are.

I know one of your dad's favorite activities is to play superman with you. You absolutely love it! You giggle and laugh so's so darn cute. You've also become quite the snuggle bunny. One of my favorite things is when you snuggle your head into my neck and have your arms around my shoulders. You love to just lay on me and hang out. I hope that sticks around forever!!!! Well, you may not want to snuggle so much when you hit your teen years, but I can be hopeful!

It's amazing to me that you've grown so much in the last month. It's like one morning, I woke up and you looked so different. You seemed more lean and definitely longer! When we were at the doctor this week, she thought you may end up being 5'10! We were shocked, considering your dad and I aren't tall people. You must have some Woodward in ya somehwere. I have loved every single moment with you. That of course, includes the sleepless nights and the fussy times.

I cannot wait to see what you do next! Next week is your first Christmas, I'm very excited to see what you think of wrapping paper and the family activities. You'll experience your first Hummel Christmas Eve party. Hope you're ready, there's going to be lots of people that will want to play with you and hold you! This exact time last year, is when we found out you were growing in my belly! It was the best Christmas gift I've ever had.

So, here we go into the month 5! Keep the fun coming! xoxo
We love you, Beckham Brooks


Donna said...

That 2nd photo is killer! What a sweet sweet boy. Can't wait to see you Xmas Eve!