Friday, December 3, 2010


Day 1

For those of you who don't know, CIO = Cry It Out. This is our method for sleep training Beck. Last night was our first day of this. He did so good! Last night we gave him a bottle, bath, book and bed. Mother's call it the 4 B's. Beck went down between 7 and 730. He only cried for about 10 minutes, which is great! I gave him a "dream feeding" at 10:15pm and he didn't even wake up when I was burping him. I was shocked! (Dream feeding is when you pick your baby up out of the crib without waking him, feed him, burp him and put him back to bed) He slept great the whole night! At about 4 am and 5 am, I had to go put his paci in and then he slept til 715 am this morning! I was so proud of him!! I'm hoping this keeps up and he transitions easily into his new routine.

Night #2 here we go (ding, ding)