Monday, March 22, 2010

The verdict is in....

It's a BOY!!

Its official .... the Abbott name will carry on. We are so excited to be having a boy. We had a sono at 12 weeks at the tech could pretty much tell it was a boy and it was clear to us. But before we decided to paint the nursery blue and announce it, we wanted to be a 100% sure. And judging by this picture... It's a boy, no question. haha.

After the sonogram, Brian finally confessed he was pulling for a boy. haha. I honestly didn't have an opinion, I was going to be excited either way. But now that's its for sure a boy, I'm VERY excited.

We received some sono pics, which was fun! Our little one was lying on his side facing my belly button, so he looks like an alien baby. However, he's the cutest alien baby I've ever seen :)

I couldn't believe how big he's gotten since we saw him at 12 weeks. It's amazing how fast babies grow in your belly. One minute he's a size of raisin and before you know it, he's the size of a banana! We are loving this experience so far. I'm excited to finally start decorating the nursery and enjoying that lovely stage called nesting!


The Unprocessed Project said...

Awwww, I love my little alien nephew!! I cannot wait to meet him!